Other Interest

In addition to my academic studies, I enjoy other activities during my free time, which I share with friends and family. These activities include outdoor outings and camping. I enjoy nature and explore trails and landscapes.

Amateur Radio

I really enjoy amateur radio, a hobby that allows me to explore and experiment across various frequencies and modes. My activities span HF (High Frequency), VHF (Very High Frequency), and UHF (Ultra High Frequency) bands. HF enables me to communicate over long distances using ionospheric propagation, while VHF and UHF are ideal for local and regional communications. My amateur radio license is LU1EML, and I have established contacts with 414 correspondents.

One of my preferred digital modes is FT8, renowned for its effectiveness in weak signal communication. FT8 utilizes digital technology to exchange information efficiently, developed by Joe Taylor (K1JT) and Steve Franke (K9AN), making it a fascinating area of exploration for me.

Additionally, I engage in digital voice transmissions, which involve sending voice communications over digital networks, enhancing clarity and reliability.

I actively participate in the vibrant community activities organized by the Radio Club Lomas de Zamora (LU6DK). These engagements provide valuable opportunities to collaborate with fellow enthusiasts, exchange knowledge, and share experiences in the dynamic realm of amateur radio.

My radio equipment includes a Kenwood TS-140S transceiver, which serves as the cornerstone of my HF operations, ensuring reliable performance across different conditions. I also utilize several handheld radios essential for mobile and portable communication needs.

Furthermore, I am deeply involved in experimenting with Digital Mobile Radio (DMR), a sophisticated digital voice mode offering advanced features such as improved audio quality, data capabilities, and efficient spectrum usage. Exploring DMR allows me to stay at the forefront of radio communication technology, expand my expertise in digital voice transmission, and contribute to the evolution of amateur radio practices.

Astronomy Sciences

Apart from my professional endeavors, I have a keen interest in astronomy as a hobby. I frequently utilize my telescope to observe celestial phenomena such as galaxies, nebulae, and planets. These observations provide me with a deep sense of wonder and appreciation for the mysteries of the universe.

In the photo, you can see the visit to the Carlos U. Cesco Astronomical Station, home to the Double Astrograph. Donated by The Yale – Columbia Southern Observatory, founded in 1962, later renamed the El Leoncito Astronomical Altitude Station, located at 2348 meters near Barreal, San Juan province. It conducted the first southern hemisphere astrometric survey from 1965 to 1974, with the US Naval Observatory enhancing star positions. In 1974, Columbia University withdrew, and the University of San Juan took over, renaming it the Carlos U. Cesco Astronomical Station in 1990. The project concluded in 2010 with a catalog of 100 million southern star motions. In 2015, Yale donated all facilities to UNSJ after 52 years of collaboration.

I love Checking out observatories to learn more about astronomy. It's cool to chat with experts and pick up tips that help me explore the stars and planets better. Sharing these experiences in my Astronomy Sciences classes makes learning fun and real for my students.